- 33 meilės faktai, kurie jus nustebins
- 1. Meilė palengvina ilgesnį gyvenimą
- 2. Meilė ir geismas veikia skirtingas smegenų sritis
- 3. Raudonos rožės yra oficialios meilės gėlės
- 4. Meilė tikrai priverčia daryti beprotiškus dalykus
- 5. Ilgiausia pasaulyje santuoka buvo 86 metus
- 6. Meilė padaro jus empatiškesnį ir labiau suderinamą su jūsų emocijomis
- 7. Meilė vystosi etapais
- 8. Meilė sumažina kraujospūdį
- 9. Meilė padeda greičiau pasveikti
- 10. Vyrai įsimyli greičiau nei moterys
- 11. Įsimylėjus perpus sumažėja galvos skausmo dažnis
- 12. Meilė ir juokas eina kartu
- 13. Tolimas atstumas gali sustiprinti santykius
- 14. Buvimas santykiuose gali teigiamai formuoti jūsų asmenybę
- 15. Love Can Ease Chronic Pain
- 16. Cuddling Is Actually Good For You
- 17. Love Is Chemically Addictive
- 18. Love Is The Number One Reason Why People Get Married
- 19. The Heartbeats Of Couples Synchronize
- 20. Animals Commit To Monogamous Relationships As Well
- 21. Hugging Your Partner Can Be An Instant Stress Reliever
- 22. Falling In Love Feels Like Being On Drugs
- 23. It Can Only Take Up To 4 Minutes To Feel Attracted To Someone
- 24. Both Guys And Girls Must Have Required Testosterone Levels For Sexual Attraction
- 25. Being In Love Has Neurological Effects Same As That Of Cocaine
- 26. Couples Who Are Very Similar To Each Other Are Not Likely To Last
- 27. Heartbreak Is Real
- 28. People Who Are In Love Have Chemical Reactions Similar To People With OCD
- 29. Butterflies In The Stomach Are Real – They Are Caused By Adrenaline
- 30. Dilated Pupils Show That You Are Attracted To Someone
- 31. People Are Attracted To Those With A Different Immune System
- 32. Some People Can’t Feel Love
- 33. Your Body Has A “Vein Of Love”
- 16 šaltinių
Kai nustojate galvoti apie meilę, greičiausiai vaizduojate poras, kurios glaudžiasi, susikibusios už rankų ar tiesiog kartu eina į saulėlydį. Tiesą sakant, galite įsivaizduoti save įsimylėjusį tą ypatingą savo svajonių žmogų. Jūs netgi galite turėti sąrašą dalykų, kurių norite savo tobulame partneryje. Įdomu tai, kad „įsimylėjus“ atsiranda daugybė biologinių veiksnių. Šiandienos laikais meilė yra pernelyg romantizuojama. Taigi tikriausiai nežinote šių mokslinių / tikrųjų faktų apie meilę.
Santykių faktai įsimyli, gali būti įdomu. Dangus žydresnis. Spalvos atrodo ryškesnės. Kliūtys išnyksta. Atrodo, kad visas pasaulis yra gražesnė vieta dėl naujai atrastos meilės. Nors visa tai tiesa, taip pat tiesa, kad kai kurie iš šių jausmų pasireiškia dėl smegenyse išsiskiriančių cheminių medžiagų. Nors mokslo faktai apie meilę nėra labai romantiški, iš tikrųjų yra gana žavūs. Pažvelkime į šiuos mažiau žinomus faktus apie meilę, kurie įrodo, kad meilė yra ne mažesnė nei super.
33 meilės faktai, kurie jus nustebins
1. Meilė palengvina ilgesnį gyvenimą
Kartu su meile ir santuoka ateina ir ilgesnis gyvenimas. Pagal žurnale „Journal of Marriage and Family“ paskelbtą tyrimą, vedusiems asmenims per 8 metus buvo 58% mažesnė tikimybė mirti, palyginti su tais, kurie niekada nesusituokė (1).
2. Meilė ir geismas veikia skirtingas smegenų sritis
Vienos nakties nuotykiai automatiškai nesukelia pasakų romano. Tyrimai rodo, kad įsimylėjimas suaktyvina tuos smegenų regionus, kurie yra susiję su empatija (2). Tačiau geismas yra susijęs su skirtingomis smegenų sritimis - daugiausia susijusiomis su motyvacija ir atlygiu.
3. Raudonos rožės yra oficialios meilės gėlės
Ar kada pagalvojai, kodėl rožės yra mėgstamos gėlės mėgėjams? Taip yra todėl, kad rožės laikomos absoliučia romėnų meilės deivės Veneros mėgstamiausia.
4. Meilė tikrai priverčia daryti beprotiškus dalykus
Kaip kurti scenas, pabėgti iš kalėjimo, kad pamatytumėte mylimą žmogų, ar tiesiog elgtis paprastai kvailai. Ar žinote, kas nutiko Josephui Andrewui Dekenippui, kuris buvo kalinys Arizonoje? Jis išsiveržė iš kalėjimo tik tam, kad galėtų susitikti su savo mergina per Valentino dieną.
5. Ilgiausia pasaulyje santuoka buvo 86 metus
6. Meilė padaro jus empatiškesnį ir labiau suderinamą su jūsų emocijomis
Kai randi tą, kuris verčia tave būti geriausia savęs versija, tavo smegenys taip pat reaguoja. Remiantis mokslo žurnale „ Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience“ paskelbtu tyrimu, socialinis ryšys, susijęs su buvimu laiminguose santykiuose, suaktyvina tas smegenų dalis, kurios yra atsakingos už emocinį apdorojimą ir nesavanaudiškumą (3).
7. Meilė vystosi etapais
Kiekvienas, kada nors patyręs meilę, žino, kad ji vystosi etapais. Jis intensyvumas didėja palaipsniui. Tai prasideda nuo manijos, kuri palaipsniui įgauna brandesnę ir supratingesnę meilę.
8. Meilė sumažina kraujospūdį
Tie, kurie turi aukštą kraujospūdį, dar vadinamą hipertenzija, žino apie jo ryšį su viskuo - nuo insulto iki širdies ligų. Laimei, remiantis žurnale „ Annals of Behavioral Medicine“ paskelbtu tyrimu, laiminga santuoka gali sumažinti kraujospūdį (4). Eik ir pabučiuok savo partnerį, kad jis būtų sveikas!
9. Meilė padeda greičiau pasveikti
Kai sužeidžiate ar sergate savo vyrą šalia, tai ne tik emocinė parama. Kai partneriai palaiko glaudų ryšį, traumos gyja greičiau, palyginti su atvirai agresyviais tarpusavio santykiais.
10. Vyrai įsimyli greičiau nei moterys
„ The Journal of Social Psychology“ paskelbtame tyrime teigiama, kad vyrai žengia pirmą žingsnį, kai įsimyli (5). Dažniausiai jie santykiuose pirmiausia sako „Aš tave myliu“. Taip gali būti dėl to, kad patelės labiau bijo, kad jas graužtų širdis.
11. Įsimylėjus perpus sumažėja galvos skausmo dažnis
Stanfordo universiteto medicinos mokyklos mokslininkai nustatė, kad 50% dalyvių, kuriems skauda galvą, pranešė, kad skausmas sumažėja perpus maždaug po keturių valandų, kai jiems buvo paskirtas nosies purškalas su meilės hormono oksitocino doze (6). Dar 27% teigė, kad po tos pačios trukmės skausmo visiškai nebuvo.
12. Meilė ir juokas eina kartu
13. Tolimas atstumas gali sustiprinti santykius
Žmonės dažnai sako, kad tolimojo susisiekimo santykiai negali ir neveikia, tačiau tyrimai sako priešingai. Remiantis žurnale „ Journal of Communication“ paskelbtu tyrimu, tolimieji santykiai yra ne tik sėkmingi kaip įprasti santykiai, bet ir geriau sukuria pasitikėjimą tarp partnerių (8).
14. Buvimas santykiuose gali teigiamai formuoti jūsų asmenybę
Pessimistic people are known to change for the better when they find a little bit of love in their life. A study published in the Journal of Personality observed 245 young couples for around nine months (9). The scientists found that neurotic partners in a relationship became more self-confident and optimistic, thanks to all the positive experiences and emotions that come with being in a relationship.
15. Love Can Ease Chronic Pain
Love isn’t going to replace modern medicine any time soon. However, it can come in handy if you ever experience serious pain. In a study conducted by the Stanford University School of Medicine, researchers found that the warm and fuzzy feeling that love creates has the same response in the brain as strong painkillers do (10).
16. Cuddling Is Actually Good For You
There’s a good reason that couples love those snuggle sessions so much. Cuddling triggers the release of oxytocin, the happiness hormone, that betters your mood and increases your feeling of well-being. This phenomenon is so well-known that oxytocin is actually referred to as the “love hormone” or the “cuddling hormone.”
17. Love Is Chemically Addictive
Romantic love is a very powerful addiction. This is because the hormones that your brain releases when you fall in love or are in love are euphoric. In fact, you may get so high that it can make you feel addicted to love as well as to the person you are in love with.
18. Love Is The Number One Reason Why People Get Married
More than 60% of the world’s population cited love as the reason they got married. The rest stated that financial stability was also an important factor.
19. The Heartbeats Of Couples Synchronize
When you and your partner gaze into each other’s eyes, what’s really happening is that your heart rates are syncing up. This has been stated by scientists at the University of California (11). The researchers have found that the couple’s heart rates were almost identical. This may be because of the strong link between couples on both physical and emotional levels.
20. Animals Commit To Monogamous Relationships As Well
Humans are not the only species in the animal kingdom that have monogamous relationships. Wolves, seahorses, beavers, otters, and barn owls are just a few of the other species that mate for life.
21. Hugging Your Partner Can Be An Instant Stress Reliever
Feeling extremely stressed? Hug it out with your lover. According to a study conducted by the University of North Carolina, psychiatrists found that when couples hugged, they had increased levels of oxytocin in their bodies (12). As mentioned before, oxytocin lowers stress levels and boosts mood. If you are having a rough day, doctors prescribe a long, tight hug!
22. Falling In Love Feels Like Being On Drugs
According to a study, that feeling of joy and euphoria you experience when you fall in love is essentially the same feeling that drug users experience (13). Both incidents trigger the release of hormones like adrenaline, dopamine, and oxytocin, giving you a real high.
23. It Can Only Take Up To 4 Minutes To Feel Attracted To Someone
24. Both Guys And Girls Must Have Required Testosterone Levels For Sexual Attraction
Yes, even girls have small amounts of testosterone in their bodies. Testosterone is responsible for creating desire as well as aggressive behavior – which actually pushes the person to pursue the object of this desire.
25. Being In Love Has Neurological Effects Same As That Of Cocaine
Being in love is almost like taking a dose of cocaine. Both experiences affect the brain in a similar way and trigger a similar sensation. Researchers have found that being in love can result in the production of several euphoria-inducing chemicals, which stimulate 12 areas of the human brain at the same time (14).
26. Couples Who Are Very Similar To Each Other Are Not Likely To Last
As everyone knows, opposites attract. Research also proves that this is at least partially true. Partners who are too similar or too different don’t last very long. There must be similarities, but there also have to be differences so that the two of you can learn from one another.
27. Heartbreak Is Real
There is evidence that severe traumatizing events, such as a divorce, death of a loved one, break-up, physical separation, cheating, or betrayal, can cause real physical pain in the area of the heart. This condition is known as Broken Heart Syndrome (15).
Intense emotional distress triggers the brain to release certain chemicals that weaken one’s heart, leading to shortness of breath and chest aches. The condition is so intense that it is often misdiagnosed as a heart attack. It affects women more often than men.
28. People Who Are In Love Have Chemical Reactions Similar To People With OCD
People in the early stages of love have lower levels of the hormone serotonin, which is directly associated with feelings of well-being and happiness. They also have higher levels of cortisol, which is associated with stress. This is very similar to those people who have OCD or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
This explains why we don’t behave like ourselves when we fall for someone. It works the other way as well – people who have lower levels of serotonin tend to fall in love and get involved in sexual relationships quicker than others.
29. Butterflies In The Stomach Are Real – They Are Caused By Adrenaline
When you fall in love with someone, you can feel the butterflies dancing, flying, and fooling around in your tummy every time you see your special someone. They are caused due to adrenaline, which is released in your body as a flight or fight response.
30. Dilated Pupils Show That You Are Attracted To Someone
Darwin has stated that pupils expand during heightened focus and attention. This is true indeed, as this mostly occurs when people gaze at a beloved one or an object of desire, even if it is only a video or a picture. Moreover, people who have dilated pupils look more attractive to others as well.
31. People Are Attracted To Those With A Different Immune System
If this isn’t weird, we don’t know what is. This was observed during a study run by Claude Wedekind of the University of Switzerland. He had female test subjects smell worn T-shirts of men (16). They consistently preferred the smell of those men’s shirts whose immune systems were different than their own.
32. Some People Can’t Feel Love
Some people who claim never to have fallen in love or felt romantic love are affected by a condition called hypopituitarism, which is a rare disease that doesn’t allow people to feel the high of love.
33. Your Body Has A “Vein Of Love”
Why are engagement rings worn on the fourth finger of the left hand? That is because the ancient Greeks believed that that finger has the vena amoris, or the “vein of love,” that connects straight to the heart. So romantic!
Meilė ir potraukis yra sudėtingi dalykai ir, tiesą sakant, keista. Gali būti sunku naršyti per ankstyvuosius jausmus, tad kodėl gi neperšokus visiškai ir nepatiriant aukšto? Objektyviai žiūrėdami į savo meilės gyvenimą, atkreipkite dėmesį į tai, kas jums nepatinka, planuokite juos pakeisti ir judėkite pirmyn. Jūs turite tik vieną galimybę gyventi gyvenimą savo sąlygomis. Jūs jau turite viską, ko reikia norint pasiekti visišką laimę ir meilę savo gyvenime, todėl nebijokite to. Jums tereikia ištiesti ranką ir patraukti. Viskas kas geriausia!
16 šaltinių
„Stylecraze“ turi griežtas gavimo gaires ir remiasi recenzuojamais tyrimais, akademinių tyrimų įstaigomis ir medicinos asociacijomis. Vengiame naudoti tretines nuorodas. Skaitydami redakcijos politiką galite sužinoti daugiau apie tai, kaip užtikriname, kad mūsų turinys yra tikslus ir aktualus.- Cohabitation and U.S. Adult Mortality: An Examination by Gender and Race, Journal of Marriage and Family, Semantic Scholar.
- The neurobiological link between compassion and love, Medical Science, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- The neural correlates of social connection. Cognitive, Affective & Behavioral Neuroscience, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Is There Something Unique about Marriage? The Relative Impact of Marital Status, Relationship Quality, and Network Social Support on Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Mental Health, Annals of Behavior Medicine, ResearchGate.
- Women and Men in Love: Who Really Feels It and Says It First? The Journal of Social Psychology, Taylor and Francis Online.
- Oxytocin and Migraine Headache, Headache, The Journal of Head and Face Pain, Wiley Online Library.
- Putting Laughter in Context: Shared Laughter as Behavioral Indicator of Relationship Well-Being, Personal Relationships, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Absence Makes the Communication Grow Fonder: Geographic Separation, Interpersonal Media, and Intimacy in Dating Relationships, Journal of Communication, Wiley Online Library.
- Recent Decreases in Specific Interpretation Biases Predict Decreases in Neuroticism: Evidence From a Longitudinal Study With Young Adult Couples, Journal of Personality, Wiley Online Library.
- Viewing Pictures of a Romantic Partner Reduces Experimental Pain: Involvement of Neural Reward Systems, PLOS One.
- Assessing cross-partner associations in physiological responses via coupled oscillator models, Emotion, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Oxytocin and Social Bonds: The Role of Oxytocin in Perceptions of Romantic Partners’ Bonding Behavior, Psychological Science, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Addicted to love: What is love addiction and when should it be treated?, Philosophy, psychiatry, & psychology, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- Neuroimaging of Love: fMRI Meta‐Analysis Evidence toward New Perspectives in Sexual Medicine, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, Wiley Online Library.
- ‘Broken-heart syndrome’… Be aware.., Indian Journal of Anesthesia, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
- MHC-dependent mate preferences in humans, The Royal Society.